What is BAM?
Orientation is a required two-part program (BAM and Mulerider Round-Up) designed for new first year SAU students. Transfer and Non-Traditional student may also participate in a BAM session designed specifically for incoming TNT students. There is a fee of $75.00 per student for BAM. This covers administration costs, t-shirt, staffing, and processing fees.
Dear Future Mulerider:
We are glad that you have decided to continue your education at Southern Arkansas University! Becoming a Mulerider (BAM) is designed to offer you a smooth transition to SAU. Please remember that BAM is a mandatory requirement for all new freshmen students.
BAM is your beginning to becoming a Mulerider! We look forward to meeting you at BAM and helping you with your next step towards officially enrolling at SAU. Today is the day to reserve your spot at BAM. Keep in mind that dates fill fast. So, don’t delay with your registration from BAM!
If you have any questions concerning BAM, please email Bam@saumag.edu.
See You Soon,