Priority deadline is April 1st
Please use the link and form below to apply for art departmental scholarships. Review the portfolio instructions and submit your completed portfolio in DOC (Word) or PDF format to Please direct any questions to Mr. Kurt Coppersmith at 870-235-5103.
Online Scholarship Application
Art Portfolio Competition Guidelines
Shirley Jeffcoat Combs
Applicants must submit a portfolio to the annual Art Department scholarship competition for high school seniors.
One winner will be selected each spring based on artistic ability and potential, high school GPA, class rank, ACT score, commitment to major in art, and such other criteria as deemed appropriate by the Art Department.
The recipient will receive $4,500 per semester to be applied toward fall and spring tuition, room and board, and other University charges.
Recipient may retain the scholarship for four (4) years provided that individual meets the following requirements: complete 12 semester hours per semester, maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA, and work 10 hours per week on Art Department projects. i.e. help with setting up/taking down gallery exhibits, monitor the computer labs, and/or participate in special projects on or off campus.
Bobo Shinn Scholarship
$5000 per year ($2500 per semester)
Applicants must submit a portfolio presentation of their work to the Art Department in the spring.
The Art Department recommends a recipient based on artistic merit.
This scholarship covers tuition and may be retained by a favorable portfolio review each spring by continuing quality artwork in classes, retain a 2.5 GPA, a commitment to art as a major, and must be a full-time student. The recipient of this scholarship is to provide five hours of service per week for the art department).
Performance Scholarships
Two (2) $2500 per year
Two (2) $2000 per year
The Art Performance Scholarships are offered on a competitive basis to students who have a declared major in art and have the department’s recommendation. In order for students to be eligible for subsequent performance scholarships for four (4) years they must continue as an art major, complete 12 or more semester hours on the SAU campus each semester, and successfully meet the art department criteria which includes measures of productivity and quality of work executed within the art classes, 2.5 grade point average, work habits and overall attitude, club participation, and high quality of work performance (five hours of service per week for the art department).
Windgate Scholarships (Studio Art Majors)
Five (5) $5000 per year
This scholarship is annually offered on a competitive basis to incoming SAU freshman students who have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5, have declared as a Studio Art major in Fine Art, and have the department’s recommendation. $2500 is awarded during the fall semester and if the student continues as a major in the department, have completed 12 or more semester hours on the SAU campus for the preceding semester, and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5, then $2500 will be awarded during the spring semester. This scholarship may affect your eligibility for other financial assistance from SAU.