The following guidelines pertain to all groups reserving the Harton Theatre.
- Reservations to use the Harton Theatre may not be made more than six months in advance.
- Reservations to use the Harton Theatre are made on a first-come first-served basis with preference given to academic and University affiliated events.
- Reservations for the theatre are not complete until a Facilities Request is completely processed. Requests to reserve campus facilities must be submitted a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the date of the intended use. Failure to complete a facilities request will cause a reservation to be canceled.
- The Harton Theatre (including the lobby) will not be available during times that classes are scheduled to meet in the facility. Please refer to the on-line class schedule available at the SAU web page.
- A Facilities Request must be processed through the Theatre Department to use the lobby of the theatre.
- Since the Harton is a working theatre facility, there will be times when scenic elements are on stage that cannot be moved. Advanced planning, visiting the theatre, and communicating with the Chairman of the Theatre Department will help prevent any problems.
- If the Harton Theatre is reserved and the reservation is canceled without notifying the Theatre Department at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled event, then, that organization will be charged a $40.00 technical staff fee. The fees must be paid before that organization or individual is permitted to reserve the Harton again.
- If the event is not academically related, the organization or individual using the theatre is responsible of timely (not more then 5 working days after the event) payment to the student technical worker(s).
- The current on-campus pay rate for student technical workers is $40.00 for the first 3 hours, $12.00 an hour after that.
- The current off-campus group pay rate for student technical workers is $25.00 an hour.
- If no student technical workers are available to run the lighting or sound system, then only house lights and stage work lights can be used. There are no exceptions to this policy.
- If a student technical worker is not available to work an event for an off-campus group, the theatre will not be available for use.
- If the university is closed, the theatre will not be available for use.
- The class schedules of student technicians will limit their availability, thus limiting the access to the technical requirements of the contracting party. If student technical workers live in university housing and the dorm buildings are closed in-between semesters or spring break, they will not be available to work in the theatre.
- It is the individual, organization advisor, or organization representative’s responsibility to visit the theatre at least 3 days in advance of the event and meet with the student assigned to work the event and give them any special instructions.
- The theatre department and student technical workers are not responsible for obtaining specific set-up equipment such as chairs, tables, music stands, acoustical shells, risers, flowers, audiovisual equipment, etc.
- Because of tight scheduling in the theatre, all items used for an event must be removed immediately after the event. The student technical workers and the theatre department are not responsible for any items left in the theatre.
- The organization or individual using the theatre is responsible for seeing that the theatre is cleaned. Housekeeping does not clean the backstage area or the stage floor. If the stage or backstage area is used, it becomes the responsibility of the organization to clean it immediately following the event.
- Any additional rooms in Overstreet Hall needed for an event need to be reserved on a separate facilities request, this includes the dressing rooms (Overstreet 223 & 224), Overstreet 120 A and B and 122.
- Classroom furniture in Overstreet 120 A/B and 122 is not to be moved and used for events scheduled in the theatre.
- The use of the Harton Theatre does not include the use of scenic elements (platforms, flats, etc), properties, costumes or other equipment purchased by the theatre department for academic purposes. The use of the theater does not include the use of the scene shop or costume shop.
- Staples and tacks are NOT to be used on the plaster walls of the theatre. If staples are used on the wooden parts of the stage, they must be pulled out completely immediately following the event.
- Masking tape and duct tape are NOT to be used in the theatre. Gaff tape, spike tape and blue painters tape are the only tapes that are acceptable.
- Because of cleaning difficulties, glitter is not to be used in the Harton Theatre, the dressing rooms, the classrooms, hallways or the lobby.
- No food or drink is allowed in the theatre for any event.
- Any group or organization renting or using University facilities is responsible for any damages occurring as a result of the activity.
- Special events that have the potential for injury are required to have liability insurance. The University should be included in the policy rider as an additional insured and be given a copy of the certificate before the event. (The University will determine when required.)
- All activities must conform to SAU policy. In addition, the activities must comply with city, state, and federal law.