AAS-SAU Research Station Archeologist, Dr. Jamie Brandon will be our speaker on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013, 7pm
When: Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 5-8 pm
Where: Rooms 103 & 104 of the Bruce Center on the SAU Campus, Magnolia, AR
‘Tis the season! Time for our annual holiday open house, potluck and talk. The Southern Arkansas University Research Station of the Arkansas Archeological Survey (AAS-SAU) will be open to all visitors starting at 5pm on Tuesday, December 10—the Research Station is located in the Bruce Center, Room 103…on the bottom floor of the Bruce Center building (for directions & map to the AAS-SAU see our website).
- OPEN HOUSE, AAS-SAU Research Station, BRUCE CENTER 103, 5pm: Come see behind of the scenes of archeological research. We will have artifacts from our recent work at Washington and Dooley’s Ferry on display as well as plenty of prehistoric artifacts to look at. The open house will run from 5pm until 6:30pm
- Potluck Supper, BRUCE CENTER 104, 6:30pm: Following the open house we will have a potluck supper in room 104 of the Bruce Center (the classroom adjoining the AAS-SAU Research Station)—bring a dish and enjoy the food!
- TALK, “Bear Grease in the Bear State” by Dr. Jamie C. Brandon, BRUCE CENTER 104, 7pm: Our own Dr. Jamie Brandon will continue our year-long iconography theme (sort of) by talking about an important icon in Arkansas history—the bear. In early Arkansas, the bear trade was so important that until 1923, we were unofficially known as “The Bear State””…and the animal was a big part of our image nationally. In 2008-2009, Dr. Brandon excavated a bear grease pomade jar from the home of Grandison Royston in Historic Washington State Park and this has led him to examine the iconography of bears in the early history of the state. He will talk about the bear as an icon, our national image, and what this pomade jar might mean.
Come check out the Research Station, cool artifacts, good food, and a great talk—Tuesday, December 10, 5:00pm in room 103 & 104 on the bottom floor of the Bruce Center on the campus of Southern Arkansas University