The purpose of SAU’s dual-enrollment transitional courses is to help students progress toward a degree in a timely manner while supporting their academic needs. Students with placement factors indicating a need for academic assistance may enroll in an approved credit-bearing course and also a partnership transitional course.
Transitional Composition and Composition I: Students are able to enroll in Composition I and proceed toward a degree by simultaneously enrolling in the partnership assistance course, Transitional Composition.

Students enrolled in Composition I with writing lab (Transitional Comp) were significantly more successful than students only in traditional Composition I.
Transitional Reading and *Partnership Credit Courses:
Students may enroll in an approved credit-bearing course (i.e. General Psychology) and the partnership academic support/transitional course. To support the student, he or she will also be enrolled in Transitional Reading for Psychology which offers reading comprehension strategies and academic support for the student. This option affords students an opportunity to progress toward a college degree on schedule and cause minimal interruption to his or her degree plan.
*Current partnership courses include sections of General Psychology and Freshman Seminar.
Success of reading assisted students (86% pass rate) in general education course compared to general student pass rate of 50%.
Fast Start
The purpose of SAU’s Fast Start courses is to help students progress toward a degree in a timely manner while supporting their academic needs. Students with placement factors indicating a need for academic assistance may enroll in Fast Start courses which are intensive 7-week courses that meet daily.
Fast Start courses are available in reading and math. The courses include: College Reading, Transitional Mathematics, Intermediate Algebra, and College Algebra.
Benefits of Fast Start Math
Faster Progress toward a Degree:
With the Fast Start model, students have the option of taking two courses within the timeframe of one traditional semester. For example, a student may take Intermediate Algebra during the first 7-week term and College Algebra during the second 7-week term. This student would have an opportunity to complete all general education math requirements in one semester while also completing the preparatory content as well. Students in this model are able to progress on the degree path with their entering cohort/freshman class.
Fast-start math improvement: In a single semester, 75% of students completed 1 level of math - of those, 61% completed 2 levels of math. Previous semester single-level success rates shown.
Benefits of Fast Start Reading
Accelerated Reading Comprehension:
Students with placement factors indicating a need to support reading skills will be able to improve those skills within the first seven weeks of college enrollment. This will offer a direct impact to courses within the first semester and subsequent semesters.
Improved results in developmental reading a more efficient, lower cost, reduced credit-hour model.