Department: | |
Hours Required: | 120 |
Categories: | Major, Undergraduate |
Delivery: | On-Campus |
This degree program is for students interested in the world of forensic science. The degree provides students with an excellent foundation in chemistry along with a stellar preparation in forensic science. Potential paths for students range from work in a forensic laboratory to pursuing an advanced degree in forensic chemistry.
Learning Goals
- Our graduates effectively communicate scientific knowledge.
- Our graduates have the knowledge to make informed and ethical scientific decisions.
- Our graduates utilize appropriate quantitative skills in making decisions.
- Our graduates demonstrate the information literacy required for scientific study.
- Our graduates possess the knowledge and skills in the physical sciences to be successful.
Major in Chemistry (BS)
Forensic Science Option
120 hours
University Requirement – 2 hours
GSTD 1002 Freshman Seminar
General Education – 24 hours (Mathematics, natural science and physical science
courses are included in the major.)
Biology – 16 hours
BIOL 1203/1201 Principles of Biology I/Lab
BIOL 1213/1211 Principles of Biology II/Lab
BIOL 3033/3031 Genetics/Lab
BIOL 4503/4501 Molecular Biology/Lab
Chemistry – 42 hours
CHEM 1501 Background & Strategies in Chemistry
CHEM 1023/1021 University Chemistry I/Lab
CHEM 1123/1121 University Chemistry II/Lab
CHEM 2012/2001 Analytical Chemistry/Lab
CHEM 2173 Forensic Science
CHEM 3003/3001 Organic Chemistry I/Lab
CHEM 3103/3101 Organic Chemistry II/Lab
CHEM 3073/3071 Biochemistry I/Lab
CHEM 4073 Biochemistry II
CHEM 4173 Forensic Chemistry
CHEM 4051 Senior Seminar-Chemistry
CHEM 4403/4401 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics/Lab OR
CHEM 4413/4411 Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Kinetics/Lab
Select 4 hours from:
CHEM 3313/3311 Instrumentation I/Lab
CHEM 4313/4311 Instrumentation II/Lab
Mathematics – 10 hours
MATH 1045 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
MATH 1525 Calculus I
Physics – 8 hours
PHYS 2003/2001 College Physics I/Lab
PHYS 2103/2101 College Physics II/Lab
PHYS 2203/2201 University Physics I/Lab
PHYS 2213/2211 University Physics II/Lab
Criminal Justice – 12 hours
CRJU 2003 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 3023 Criminal Evidence and Procedures
CRJU 3033 Criminal Investigation
CRJU 3183 Statistics (or equivalent)
Other Requirements – 6 hours
ENGL 3003 Advanced Professional Writing
SPCH 1113 Introduction to Public Speaking
No minor is required in this major.
Dr. Gija Geme
Professor of Chemistry/ NRRC Director
Biochemistry & Chemistry, NRRC