In 2010, Southern Arkansas University ratified our long-standing commitment to continuous quality improvement (CQI) in higher education by adopting the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) model of accreditation. The AQIP program was a quality-based, continuous improvement model of accreditation provided by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The AQIP pathway was retired and SAU has moved to the HLC’s Open Pathway. The University continues its commitment to CQI on the Open Pathway.
Southern Arkansas University has maintained its accreditation by The Higher Learning Commission since 1929, completing our last comprehensive evaluation in 2013. In 2017, SAU completed a Systems Portfolio and received its Systems Appraisal. Following the Systems Appraisal, the University has transitioned to the Open Pathway and maintains on-going continuous improvement initiatives that infuse the principles and benefits of continuous improvement into the culture of the University and its colleges.
Within the Continuous Quality Improvement site, you will find SAU’s mission statement, goals and objectives, past AQIP Systems Portfolios, and the processes and people that are working together to promote our culture of continuous quality improvement. As the University works through the these processes, input is solicited from all stakeholders. If you have any questions or comments regarding these reports, please contact Dr. David Lanoue, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
University Learning Goals
To accomplish the University’s mission to educate students, the general education curriculum and all program curricula provide learning opportunities that assist students in attaining the following University Learning Goals and Objectives:
- Effective Communication
Our graduates can communicate effectively. Effective communication embraces oral, visual, and language arts, including the ability to listen, speak, read, and write. It includes the effective use of various resources and technology for personal and professional communication.
- Our students can write effectively.
- Our students can effectively deliver an oral presentation.
- Personal and Social Responsibility
Our graduates are prepared to be personally and socially responsible citizens, having the ability to apply knowledge and skills that encourage responsible civic engagement for the advancement of society. This includes an understanding of their own and other cultures and societies and the ability to make informed and ethical decisions.
- Our students demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of their own and other societies and cultures.
- Our students demonstrate an understanding of the process of making informed and ethical decisions.
- Our students demonstrate an understanding of facts within historical and cultural contexts.
- Critical Thinking
Our graduates can think critically, solve problems, and make informed decisions. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and ideas from multiple perspectives. It includes the accurate use of terminology, information literacy, the application of scholarly and scientific methods, logical argument, and the capability for analysis and problem solving.
- Our students use appropriate quantitative skills in making decisions.
- Our students demonstrate an ability to think critically and creatively to analyze and solve problems.
- Information Literacy
Our graduates can use technology effectively in their fields. Information literacy is the ability to determine the nature of required information, to access it effectively and efficiently, and to evaluate it critically. It includes the responsible, legal, and ethical use of information.
- Content Knowledge
Our graduates have content knowledge in their chosen fields and the necessary skills to be successful. Content knowledge is discipline and degree specific.