Help forge a global movement to protect our planet.
Volunteers lead grassroots efforts in their communities to protect the environment and strengthen understanding of environmental issues. They teach environmental awareness in elementary and secondary schools and to youth groups and community organizations, empowering communities to make their own decisions about how to protect and conserve the local environment. Volunteers also address environmental degradation by promoting sustainable use of natural resources.
If you choose Environment, take three courses from one of the following areas:
Biology: Any three BIOL courses
Chemistry: Any three CHEM courses
Plant Sciences: Any three PLSC courses
And build 50 hours of related field experience through activities including the following examples:
- Educating the public on environmental or conservation issues, or working on environmental campaigns
- Conducting biological surveys of plants or animals
- Gardening, farming, nursery management, organic or low-input vegetable production, or landscaping
- Providing technical assistance and training in natural resource management
- Working with the SAU Biology Club
- Working with the SAU Fish and Game Club
- Working in Marine Biology department at SAU
- Working on Making Magnolia Blossom two big events per semester and other second Saturday projects throughout the year
- Volunteering or interning at Logoly State Park
- Working on the SAU Farm
- Volunteering or interning with the Columbia County Animal Protection Society or the Union County Animal Protection Society
- Volunteering with the SAU Recycling Program
- Working with the Magnolia Junior High School EAST Program
- Working with the Magnolia High School EAST Program