The Southern Arkansas University System Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, June 27, on the SAU Tech campus in East Camden.
Dr. Bruno Hicks, newly appointed SAU president, shared that he and his wife, Linda, are settling in nicely in Magnolia. Hicks noted that he is busy getting to know people, places, and processes around the SAU campus. He shared updates on summer activities and summer renovation projects. Thanks to Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resources Council’s grants, renovations in multiple locations are currently ongoing while several are in the planning stages.
Roger Giles, vice president for administration and general counsel, presented a resolution for Erica Woods, former Board chair. The resolution expressed sincere gratitude to Woods for her five years of service, during which she served as secretary, vice chair, and chair. Woods was integral in beginning the recent presidential search process. Giles shared progress highlights within the SAU system during Woods’ time of service to the SAU Board of Trustees.
SAU Tech chancellor, Dr. Jerry Thomas, welcomed everyone to the SAU Tech campus. Thomas presented recent news and updates from the SAU Tech campus. He shared numerous strategic infrastructure investments for areas such as training programs and The Arkansas Fire Training Academy. The training programs boasted the largest enrollments in history while serving 4,980 total students.
Budget approvals were made for the 2024-25 year for both SAU and SAU Tech. Shawana Reed, SAU vice president for finance, provided an overview of the SAU’s extensive budget process for the next fiscal year. Reed noted that SAU tuition would increase slightly, with a 2.5% increase in undergraduate and graduate tuition. There will not be a change in tuition for the doctoral program. Reed shared that there would not be an increase in fees. In fact, she reported that several flat fees would be reduced, such as student charges for an assessment fee, publication fee, and document fee.
Michael Armstrong, vice chancellor for finance and administration, shared that SAU Tech’s tuition would increase by 4.4%. Fees increased slightly.
Dr. Valerie Wilson, SAU Tech vice chancellor for academic affairs, presented three academic program changes and seven new program approval requests to the Board. Roger Giles also presented changes to the SAU Faculty Handbook. The first requested change was regarding student course survey procedures, followed by a second change request to initiate a policy for artificial intelligence.
Athletic certifications for both the SAU and SAU Tech campuses were presented to the board and approved.
The Board met in executive session to approve personnel changes. Upon returning from the executive session, personnel changes discussed for SAU and SAU Tech were approved by the Board.
Upon conclusion of the agenda, Laura Winning, Board chair, took a very special moment to sincerely thank Dr. David Rankin, SAU president emeritus, for his service to the SAU System during the presidential interim period. Rankin’s years of service and loyalty to SAU are truly valued by the SAU community.
Southern Arkansas University provides students the complete college experience in a caring environment of service, innovation, and community. With more than 100 degrees in four distinct colleges and the School of Graduate Studies, SAU initiates new degree programs to fit the needs of career and professional trends of today.
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