Southern Arkansas University has received a leadership gift for its new trap shooting facility. Farmers Bank & Trust made a commitment of $220,000 to the under-construction facility located on the Governor Ben T. & Lucille Laney Farm. The Farmers Bank & Trust Trap Shooting Range will originally open with three trap ranges, high and low skeet houses, and a clubhouse.
“The impact of Farmers Bank & Trust is evident across our campus, from academic programs, to student scholarships, to our athletic program,” said Dr. Trey Berry, SAU president. “Trap shooting has become increasingly popular not only among youth, but is also increasingly popular as a corporate event. The gift from Farmers benefits us all, as SAU will be the only institution in the region for students to compete at the collegiate level, and our high schools benefit from having a facility to call home and both practice and host events. Companies and the community will be able to host events once the range is fully operational. This can really be a draw for visitors to Magnolia.”
“SAU is such an invaluable part of our community and this region,” said Chris Gosnell, president and CEO of Farmers Bank & Trust. “As always, Farmers Bank & Trust is proud to support SAU and we’re honored to provide support for the trap shooting facility and the team.”
Pictured are, left to right: Josh Kee, SAU Vice President for Advancement; Chris Gosnell, Farmers Bank & Trust President and CEO; Sheryl Edwards, SAU Assistant to the President and Director of Government Relations; Monty Harrington, Farmers Bank & Trust Magnolia Market President; Dr. Trey Berry, SAU President; Steve Crowell, Mulerider Trapshooting Coach, and Macy Braswell, SAU Foundation Executive Director.
SAU trap shooting coach Steve Crowell said that more than 50 students have signed up for the inaugural SAU Trap Shooting Team. “We are blessed to have Farmers Bank & Trust commit to making this a first-class facility for SAU, local high schools, and the community,” Crowell said. “Because of the commitment and dedication the sport requires, the caliber of students who shoot at this level are a perfect fit for SAU. The clubhouse building and range will allow us to immediately become a force in recruiting on a national level. We have already had interest from students in New York, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee, Minnesota, South Dakota, California, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.”
Opportunities are still available to support the program. Please contact the SAU Office for Advancement at 870-235-4078. For more information about SAU’s Trap Shooting Team or the Farmers Bank & Trust Trap Shooting Range, contact Steve Crowell at 870-235-5476 or