The Southern Arkansas University Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Gayle Webb White as Distinguished Professor during their board meeting June 8.
Southern Arkansas University President Dr. David Rankin said he was pleased the board appointed White as Distinguished Professor. Rankin said White is the fourth person in the University’s 100 year history to receive this designation.
“Dr. White is an outstanding educator and leader at Southern Arkansas University,” Rankin said. “A gifted academician, she has established a record of scholarly achievement that fits the designation of Distinguished Professor.”
White, who served as the dean of the School of Business for 14 years is currently the Turner Professor of Management. White also served for four years as the President of the National Council for Alpha Chi, National College Honor Society.
According to the University’s faculty handbook, the credentials guiding an appointment of Distinguished Professor are an earned doctorate or comparable terminal degree or equivalent scholarly achievement, and national recognition as a scholar and teacher based upon research, teaching, and/or scholarly pursuits at this or some other institution.
White expressed much appreciation for the trustees giving her the distinct honor on Monday.
“Teaching at Southern Arkansas University for more than forty years has been a labor of love for me because of excellent students, dedicated faculty peers, supportive administrators and staff, and alumni who have provided extra resources that have enriched our educational program,” White said.
Throughout her career, White has amassed an impressive publication record, a selection of her publication credentials include: Loyalty Relationship of Employee Trustee in Management and Employee Loyalty, International Journal of Business Research; Creativity: A Needed Component of Management Education, Review of Business Research; Variable Work Schedules; An Emerging Trend to Complement the Traditional Eight-to-Five Schedule, Journal of the Academy of Business and Economics; and A Study to Determine How Corporations Insure that Ethical Policies are Communicated to Employees, Communities, and other Necessary Stakeholders, International Journal of Disciplines, to name a few.
White has a doctorate and a master’s from the University of Mississippi and received her bachelor’s degree from Southern State College, which later became Southern Arkansas University. White’s post-graduate studies were with the University of Illinois and Harvard University.