The Donald Pittman family of Magnolia was recently selected as the Columbia County Farm Family of the Year. The Pittmans, who run an extensive plant and landscaping business, were also selected as the District Farm Family of the Year. Accepting the award was Mickey Pittman who earned her F.S. degree in 1947 from the Third District Agricultural and Mechanical College. According to Danny Walker, Columbia County extension agent, agriculture and forestry remain important parts of the Columbia County economy. If you look at the farm land in Columbia County, it is valued at a little more than $100 million.
Local farmers spent more than $2 million on contract laborers and $22 million on feed, fertilizer, and chemicals. County wide, farmers netted $13.9 million. Combined with the money spent on laborers, farming provided a $16 million payroll in Columbia County.
Dr. James Tollett, chair of the Southern Arkansas University Agriculture Department says the new stables have had an impact and will host the Budweiser Clyesdales horse team, which will be in Magnolia for a week during the Magnolia Blossom Festival in May. The new stables have been helpful in recruiting students for the University’s agriculture and rodeo programs. Tollett said Florida’s top high school rodeo rider has decided to attend SAU this fall. Major Future Farmers of America events will be held at SAU soon. These include almost 800 students for district judging competition and the FFA’s state meat contest. Tollett says many SAU agriculture graduates have had great careers in agriculture sciences and businesses.