Dr. Hayder Zghair
Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering
MSC 9424Building/Office: Engineering (ENG) 109 Slot Number: 46
Dr. Hayder Zghair is an assistant professor of Industrial Engineering in the Department of Engineering and Physics, and the director of Industrial Engineering Development in the College of Science and Engineering at Southern Arkansas University. Dr. Zghair is chairing and member of several committees at the department, college, and university levels. Before joining SAU, served in several academic appointments including Assistant Teaching Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Pennsylvania State University and lecturer of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Kettering University. He completed a B.S. and an M.S. from the University of Technology, where he majored in Industrial and Production Engineering. Dr. Zghair earned his second master’s degree in Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Doctor’s Degree in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Lawrence Technological University, Michigan, USA. He has several professional affiliations: Affiliate Researcher at Penn State Institute of Energy and the Environment and Member of Directors Board of the Environmental Engineering Division (EED) at American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). Dr. Zghair’s research interest covers a wide area of industrial and manufacturing engineering including Flexible-Automated Manufacturing, Robotics, Human Factors and Ergonomics, Sustainability Engineering, Analytical Modeling & Simulation, and Optimization, and has published journal and conference papers. Dr. Zghair continues to explore new and cutting edges areas for research and education in engineering disciplines and got recently had an extensive interest in industry 4.0 and 5.0 tech such as AI, IIoT, smart sensors, and cloud computation and control. He is a professional member of ASEE, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society (IEOM). Dr. Zghir is the faculty advisor of the SAE students’ chapter and SAU Baja and IEOM students’ chapter at SAU.
Courses Taught
- ENGR 3143 Manufacturing Processes
- ENGR 3037 Engineering Economics
- ENGR 4901 Applied Project
- ENGR 1023 Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 4953 Advanced Topic in Engineering (Systems Modelling & Simulation)
- ENGR 3141 Manufacturing Processes Lab
- ENGR 4931 Shop Practice
- ENGR 3101 Solid Mechanics lab
- PHYS 2101 University Physics II
- ITEC 3263 Operations management I
- ITEC 3363 Operations management II
- ITEC 4053 Lean manufacturing
- ITEC 4043 Advanced Manufacturing Systems
- ITEC 4123 Computer Aided Manufacturing
- ITEC 3803 Industrial Materials
- ETEC 2023 Programmable Logic Control
- ITEC 4953 Advanced Topic (Quality Control)
Selected Publication
Zghair, H., & Nathan, R. (2023). Implementing i4.0 Tech to Engineering Systems Lab for Smart Manufacturing Learning. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. https://peer.asee.org/43543
Zghair, H. (2021). Multiple Setups Analysis of Industrial Robotic Operation. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. https://peer.asee.org/37522
Zghair, H. (2023). Loading-Unloading Simulation Model for System of Manufacturing. IEOM Society, Houston Proceeding. pp 298-300.
Thomas, A. and Zghair, H. (2022). Inflow-Outflow Net Equivalents for Recovery Point Analysis of Improvement Model. IEOM Society, Florida Proceeding. pp 2825-2832.