{"id":2524,"date":"2024-03-04T13:23:42","date_gmt":"2024-03-04T19:23:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/web.saumag.edu\/faculty-staff\/?p=2524"},"modified":"2024-03-04T13:23:42","modified_gmt":"2024-03-04T19:23:42","slug":"october-2023-minutes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/web.saumag.edu\/faculty-staff\/2024\/03\/04\/october-2023-minutes\/","title":{"rendered":"October 2023 Minutes"},"content":{"rendered":"

Present: Senators Wise, Valenzuela, Logan, Faucett, Pfannenstiel, Oden, Lowther, Coppersmith, Djiguimde, Al-Shami, White, Tucker, McLelland, Filburn, Greathouse, Karim, Nelson, Samples<\/p>\n

Ex-officio and guests: Trey Berry, David Lanoue, Donna Allen, Shawana Reed, Robin Sronce, Abdel Bachri, John Jones, Jennifer Rowsam, Connie Wilson, Amy Womack, Marisa Grippo, Margarita Norment, Gerald Plumlee, Brian Logan<\/p>\n

Call to order: 3:40 pm<\/p>\n

Reading of Proxies: White proxy for Fanning<\/p>\n


  1. Approval of Minutes<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Minutes from September 21, 2023, were approved (motion \u2013 Logan, second \u2013 Samples)<\/p>\n


    1. Special Orders of the Day<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      Cybersecurity Task Force and Search Committee purpose and scope<\/u><\/p>\n

      Since the last meeting, the cybersecurity task force has been created and met. The scope and purpose of the committee is to hire a Chief Information Officer and review ITS policies. More information was in the attachment sent out by Sheryl Edwards. Dr. Berry hopes that the task force will continue to exist in the future.<\/p>\n

      Update on the state of our cyberinfrastructure<\/u><\/p>\n

      Everything is looking positive. There are a few more objectives left to complete, such as getting some servers online, but things are almost back to normal.<\/p>\n


      1. Reports of Committees<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

        Report from the Ad-Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (Senator Oden)<\/u><\/p>\n

        The next meeting is on October 30th<\/sup> and will cover AI\u2019s purpose and ethical use in the classroom, AI policies at other universities, and AI syllabus language.<\/p>\n

        Report from the Faculty Senate Handbook Committee (Senator White)<\/u><\/p>\n

        The handbook committee is working with the College of Education and Human Performance. More information should be available at the next meeting.<\/p>\n

        Report from the Faculty Senate Budget Committee (Senator Oden)<\/u><\/p>\n

        The Faculty\/Staff budget meeting will be held on November 6th<\/sup> at 4 PM. The committee will be soliciting questions from faculty for Shawana Reed and David Lanoue to answer.<\/p>\n

        Report from the Faculty Senate Parking, Building, and Grounds Committee (Senator Nelson)<\/u><\/p>\n

        The committee became aware of a pothole on Military Dr. The pothole has already been fixed.<\/p>\n

        Report from the Institutional Review Board (Senator Logan)<\/u><\/p>\n

        The IRB is looking at applications and is open to receiving questions through email.<\/p>\n

        Report from the Research Committee (Senator Filburn)<\/u><\/p>\n

        The first cycle for the research committee is open. Proposals are due on Monday, November 6th<\/sup>.<\/p>\n


        1. Old Business<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

          There was no old business to report.<\/p>\n


          1. New Business<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

            Paperwork has been filled out for the new Chief Information Officer position. With the help of consultants, advertisement for the position is in the best places. The search for the executive director of the SAU Foundation is winding down.<\/p>\n

            Fundraising and development surpassed the $4 million goal, hitting $5 million so far this year. Both enrollment and recruiting are basically where we were last year. SAU is applying for a Windgate Foundation grant again this year to help with need-based scholarships and the College of Education.<\/p>\n

            Engineering and computer science classrooms will be ready for the Spring semester. There has been progress on the Biology field station and student-athlete success center. The Ryder lounge opened yesterday in the basement of the Bruce Center.<\/p>\n

            Dr. Logan is currently heading an economic impact study to see the impact of SAU on Magnolia. There is a book recycling program going on which will end tomorrow. The Murphy USA game against Harding University is on Saturday.<\/p>\n

            The ADHE meeting will be held on Friday, October 27th<\/sup>. SAU will be discussing changes in the Teacher Education program to support the Forward Arkansas grant. There may be discussions about the funding formula as well.<\/p>\n


            1. Questions for the Administration<\/strong><\/li>\n
            2. Would administration consider a flat across-the-board base salary increase for all full-time employees (e.g., $1000) in the 2024-25 budget to address the effects of recent inflation, which has created a disproportionate financial burden on lower-paid faculty and staff?<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n